Our Strategic Plan
About Us

Our Strategic Plan

Our Vision:

We Are One Community

Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital is a community of health care providers who work together to provide a wide range of health services from emergency care and community-based programming supporting our patients, their families and their caregivers. We are a community of acute care hospitals who work closely with each other to facilitate regional approaches to specialized services. We are a community of local organizations who advance the integration of care across all sectors to meet the population health needs of the Couchiching region as part of the Couchiching Ontario Health Team. We are all citizens who have a significant role to play in the general health and well-being of our community. We are more than just a hospital. We are all inextricably woven together in the fabric of One Community.

Our Mission:

Serving our Community with compassion and excellence. Driven by shared purpose.

Excellence and Compassion continue to be the cornerstone of everything we do at OSMH for our patients, families and caregivers. The mission of our hospital is aligned with our local partners through our shared purpose, co-created with the Couchiching Ontario Health Team.

Our Shared Purpose

We are a community that is committed to improving health and wellness. Together we will achieve our goals through system co-design in a culturally safe and meaningful way.

All my relations  – Toutes mes relations – Mitakuye-Oyasin                                         

Our Values

OSMH continues to be inspired by the values of soldiers who have served and continue to serve our country. Our values define our behavior, what we stand for and what we expect from ourselves and each other.

We value TRUST. The trust of our team members, patients, partners and our community is most important to us. We commit to being open, authentic and accountable for our actions.

We value COURAGE. In true Soldiers’ Spirit, we stand as one community to acknowledge what doesn’t work and accept the challenge to make it better. We commit to doing the right thing, even if it isn’t the easy thing.

We value TEAMWORK. By working together, we can achieve excellence. We commit to making ourselves and each other better, every day.

Our Strategic Plan

The strategic planning process was initiated with a comprehensive review of healthcare trends by the Ontario Hospital Association, interactions with over 670 OSMH team members, patients, families, caregivers and partners from over 40 agencies. During this time, attention was shifted temporarily to our response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Lessons from the pandemic were instructive in several ways, creating an imperative towards action, being focused and flexible, crystalizing who we are as an organization and a community. This helped inform, not define our strategy going forwards.

We are excited to present the culmination of these efforts as the 2021-2025 OSMH Strategic Plan, including key priorities along three strategic themes:

  1. We are Connected
  2. We are Soldiers’
  3. We Adapt and Advance

These strategic themes will guide our decision-making towards our desired future and provides the framework against which we will measure our success. The 2021-2025 OSMH Strategic Plan, in collaboration with our Couchiching Ontario Health Team partners, will align efforts within our community to improve the health and wellbeing of our community.

We Are Connected

Key Priority Desired Future How Will We Get There?
Integrated Care Planning & Coordinated System Navigation As partners in the Couchiching OHT, OSMH will champion the health and well-being of the Couchiching community based on the population health needs, ensuring that the patient and caregiver are active partners. Populations of focus will include:

  • The integration of care for frail seniors
  • Enhancing access to palliative care services at home.
  • Additional populations (e.g. children and youth, mental health & addictions) will continue to be developed for as future priority populations

IT enabled solutions will assist the patient / provider relationship.

  • Virtual care advances associated with the COVID-19 response will be formalized and expanded.
  • Information access to integrated care plans will be expanded to more agencies, providers and patients
Shared Decision Making & Accountability As partners in the Couchiching OHT, we will be an Ontario leader in integrating strategy and decision-making across independent organizations. Organizations within the Couchiching OHT will continue to develop a shared strategy including shared purpose, principles of decision-making and priorities. OSMH will continue to co-create this priority, including tactics and performance measures with our partners. A Collaborative Decision-Making Agreement will be created, that will enhance existing OHT relationships and enable further community and regional participation

We Are Soldiers

Key Priority Desired Future How Will We Get There?
Our Team Members’ Professional Aspirations will be Fulfilled The OSMH team is inspired and fully engaged in our shared purpose, embrace our OSMH values and support a culture of inclusivity The OSMH team’s professional aspirations are fulfilled with opportunities for training and development to be driven by empowerment of staff and industry best standards. OSMH will:

  • Commit to listen and act upon the needs of our people in a timely and transparent manner.
  • Create regular opportunities for all team members to participate in making OMSH even better.
  • Provide diverse opportunities for staff to enhance their clinical and leadership skills.
  • Provide targeted training opportunities to support staff retention based on the needs of the organization.
Our Teams will Promote Whole Self Well-being Develop a renewed culture focused on personal wellness and healthy teams. Work-life environment at Soldiers’ is enabling of team members to pursue a full, balanced and rewarding life as members of our community. Provide staff with access to facilities that offer physical, mental and emotional health services and programming such as access to physical fitness facilities, meditation and yoga. Modernization of staff scheduling processes Active recruitment and retention initiatives.

We Adapt & Advance

Key Priority Desired Future How Will We Get There?
Modernized Quality Improvement & Enhanced Patient Safety Quality and safety of patient care will be improved through timely access to shared health data with teams and partners to support evidence-based change and growth for improved health outcomes. Professional expertise, IT infrastructure, and real time analytics enable continuous quality improvement, service delivery and sustainability. Population health measures and outcomes are evident in our quality agenda. Active participation in the planning and implementation of our electronic medical record with our provider (GBIN) clinical road map Create, adapt and adopt an innovation agenda based on leading practices to support rapid quality improvements, patient convenience and implement effective safety measures.
Long Range, Future Growth Opportunities The future of health care will be radically transformed through innovative design and planning for integrated care. This includes a vision of a new hospital on different site, a hospital purposefully designed for integrated care and Ontario Health Teams. Develop a Financial Health Strategy which enables sustainable operating and capital plans that advance our strategic goals Continued work with our Couchiching OHT partners to identify leading edge, high quality, integrated care which will instruct future infrastructure investments Pursue further Ministry of Health commitment for our capital redevelopment Future Hospital Project (Planning Grant, Stage 1 review)



Ethical Practice, Capacity and Competency at OSMH

OSMH has an Ethics Committee which exists to support ethical, values-based practice and behavior throughout the organization by building capacity and dialog within the organization. Through regular committee meetings, organization-wide education sessions and an established process for the identification, consultation, and resolution of ethical dilemmas, ethics is an integral and integrated aspect of the OSMH care experience and organizational practice.

OSMH utilizes the Ethics SBAR framework which includes the fundamental steps in ethical decision making and incorporates it into the SBAR format (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendations). Guided by a set of questions developed by the OSMH ethics framework working group, OSMH team members are assisted to work through the ethical decision making process.