Expression of Interest
Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital is inviting landowners to participate in the first step of our site selection process.
Complete and Submit an Expression of Interest
If you have land that meets the criteria (listed below) and would be interested in having the land considered through OSMH’s site selection process, please reach out to OSMH to request an Expression of Interest Submission Form at info@osmh.on.ca
The EOI is a non-binding process and utilizes well-established screening criteria to develop a list of potential sites for consideration.
Responses will be accepted up until December 20, 2023, at which point the hospital will analyze all options that have been brought forward to determine next steps.
Background and Criteria
As evidenced by the most recent Census, the City of Orillia, surrounding Townships, and the Chippewas of Rama First Nation are all growing at a faster pace than most other Ontario communities. That growth is further demonstrated by the volume of new construction, the City’s exploration into expanding its boundaries, and the hospital’s ability to cope with increased demand in its constrained environment.
After 115 years at its’ current location, Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital (OSMH) is kicking-off the search for a new home. The hospital has outgrown its aged and undersized facility and a larger, modern hospital is urgently required to ensure the continued delivery of high-quality healthcare to the rapidly growing community.
Over the past 8 years, OSMH has been diligently working through the capital planning process, reaching critical milestones in 2018 with the approval of its Pre-Capital plan, and in 2019 with the submission of the Stage 1 Proposal. While additional approvals are required before a new hospital becomes reality, selecting a preferred site is crucial to enabling additional detailed planning.
The location of the new hospital is an important decision as it provides a significant opportunity to enhance accessibility and access for the community and enable the sustainability and affordability of operations. To support this decision, a comprehensive and transparent process to will be undertaken. The first-step, is to develop an inventory of potential properties that could site the new hospital that would focus on meeting the acute care needs of the community. Depending on the model, transitional care and outpatient services may remain at the existing location.
In order for lands to be considered as part of the site selection process, the following criteria must be met:
- must be located within the City of Orillia boundary
- minimum size of 25 acres of usable shape, proportions and topography
- access to a major road and/or highway
- servicing (water, sewer, electrical, etc.) is available at, or near to, the lands
News Releases
OSMH Initiates First Step in Site Selection Process – November 9, 2023