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Ligaya Byrch re-elected Chair of OSMH Board, 4 new Directors welcomed

Ligaya Byrch re-elected Chair of OSMH Board, 4 new Directors welcomed

(Orillia, ON) – Ligaya Byrch has been re-elected to a second term as Chair of the Board of Directors of Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital (OSMH).   Byrch was re-elected on Tuesday, June 27th at the Board’s inaugural meeting that was held immediately after the Corporation’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) held at the Orillia Recreation Centre.  Originally elected to the Board in 2018, she served 3 years as Vice-Chair before taking the helm in 2022.

“We continue to make tremendous progress as an organization as we emerge from the pandemic and build on the strength of community partnerships,” said Byrch, who has held senior leadership roles in health system planning.

“With community growth outpacing expectations, the Board’s top priority over the coming year will be to advance approvals and planning work for a new hospital in Orillia,” said Byrch.

The Vice-Chair positions on Board will remain the same with Lawrence Pietras re-elected as 1st Vice-Chair and Peter Caldwell remaining as 2nd Vice-Chair.

At the AGM, four new Directors were approved by the corporate membership, including Kelly Brownbill, Dr. Janice Burrows, Terri McKinnon, and James Williams.  Brownbill had joined the Board midway through last year, filling an existing vacancy. Incumbent Directors, Peter Caldwell, Dr. Sheila Clark, and Ryan Spurgeon were all re-appointed to new terms.

The Corporation also took time to salute outgoing Directors Leigh Popov (past Board Chair), Mario Benedetto, Ted Markle and Mark Lemieux.

A complete list of the new Board is available below and on the hospital’s website.

Photo Caption: (L-R) Director Terri McKinnon, Director Dr. Janice Burrows, Chair Ligaya Byrch, Director Kelly Brownbill, Director James Williams

OSMH Board of Directors
(As of June 27, 2023)

Elected Voting Members
Ligaya Byrch, Chair
Lawrence Pietras, 1st Vice-Chair
Peter Caldwell, 2nd Vice-Chair
Kelly Brownbill
Ken Brownlee
Dr. Janice Burrows
Dr. Sheila Clark
Sheila Marner
Terri McKinnon
Brian Sirbovan
Ryan Spurgeon
James Williams

Ex-Officio Voting Members
Mayor Don McIssac, Representative, City of Orillia
Vacant, Representative, Royal Canadian Legion
Glenna Tinney, Representative, Nurses Alumni

Ex-Officio Non-Voting Members
Carmine Stumpo, President and CEO, Secretary
Dr. Melanie Colpitts, President, Medical Staff Association
Dr. Gabrielle Salmers, Vice President/Secretary-Treasurer, Medical Staff Association
Dr. Lindsay Alston, Chief of Staff
Jill Colin, Chief Nursing Executive