Nuclear Medicine services return to Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital
(Orillia, ON) – Nuclear Medicine services are once again being provided at
Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital (OSMH).
In order to accommodate a major renovation of the Diagnostic Imaging department, Nuclear
Medicine services were suspended in March 2020 to allow for an expansion and re-design of
the space adjacent to the hospital’s Emergency Department. Part of the renovations
included re-locating the new CT scanner and creating additional space for a state-of-the-art
MRI that arrived earlier this year, allowing the existing MRI to remain in service throughout
the project.
“We’re very excited to bring nuclear medicine back to Soldiers’. This is great news for our
patients and clinicians,” said Dr. Noah Wortsman, Chief of Diagnostic Services at OSMH,
who acknowledged healthcare partners, particularly RVH in Barrie, for providing coverage
during this transition.
“Nuclear medicine tests fill an important role in the workup of cancer, certain endocrine
disorders, kidney function, and cardiac health. We are pleased to be able to resume offering
the same examinations we previously performed to our patients once again.”
Prior to the start of the renovation, OSMH completed approximately 1200 Nuclear Medicine
Tests per year.
Nuclear Medicine Services Return to OSMH
Photo Caption (L-R): Colin Cole, Charge Technologist – Nuclear Medicine, Kate Smith,
Director, Diagnostic Imaging & Therapeutic Services, Dr. Noah Wortsman, Chief of
Diagnostic Services and Chantel Grant, Manager, Diagnostic Services & Cardio-Respiratory