Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital begins gradual ramp up of scheduled surgeries
As of today Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital (OSMH) has started the gradual resumption of non-urgent and scheduled surgeries.
This comes after the province lifted Directive #2 which took effect in mid-April as a result of growing COVID-19 cases and the added burden hospitals were seeing.
As OSMH ramps back up surgical activity, patients requiring day surgery that do not require a stay in hospital will be the first to be contacted. After the most recent shut down it is estimated that over 900 surgeries were delayed at OSMH.
“This has been a very difficult year for patients awaiting scheduled and non-urgent surgeries.” Stated Carmine Stumpo, OSMH President and CEO. “We appreciate the community’s patience as we begin to ramp up our surgical services again.”
If your surgery was cancelled please wait for your surgeon’s office to reach out to you to re-book your surgery.