News + Announcements

OSMH closed to visitors – unless under special circumstance

(March 20, 2020)  Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital (OSMH) is further tightening visitor restrictions as an additional precaution against the spread of COVID-19.

Effectively immediately, the Hospital is closed to visitors, except under the following special circumstances:

Circumstance Restriction
Obstetrics Department (incl. Prenatal Ultrasound) 1 visitor per patient
Patient is a minor
Patient is palliative
Home Dialysis Training
Emergency Surgery
Emergency Department
Other situations deemed to be an exception for compassionate or clinical reasons


Please note that regardless of circumstance, visitors will not be permitted for patients that are confirmed or suspected of having COVID-19.

All patients and visitors arriving at the hospital will continue to be assessed by screeners at designated entryways before being allowed entry into the facility.

The hospital continues to advise visitors who feel unwell, but do not require care, to avoid coming to the hospital.   Those that do come to the hospital are reminded to wash their hands thoroughly as they enter and exit different areas.

In summary,

  • Visitors to hospital by special circumstance only
  • Where circumstance permits, a limit of one visitor per patient
  • If you don’t need to be at the hospital, please do not visit

The hospital understands the important role that visitors play in the health and recovery of patients, and we appreciate the community’s support as we implement these measures for the safety of all.