OSMH visitors to require proof of vaccine effective November 23
(Thursday, November 18, 2021, Orillia, ON) A new layer of patient and staff protection is being added at OSMH (Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital) next week with the requirement that all eligible visitors must also provide proof of vaccination prior to entry.
The hospital remains in Phase 3 of its Visitor Policy that continues to restrict access to essential visitors only, which includes essential visitors accompanying a patient into the hospital for an appointment.
In order to gain entry, visitors must provide proof of a full COVID-19 vaccination, along with valid photo identification, or provide documentation that they have been granted a provincially recognized medical exemption from a physician or nurse practitioner. A full vaccination requires a minimum of two COVID-19 doses, with the second dose received a minimum of 14 days prior.
If a visitor does not have proof of vaccination or a valid exemption, or there is not time to produce the required documentation, the visitor may still enter OSMH with explicit approval from the care team under the following exceptions:
- Patient is a child
- Patient is palliative/end of life
- Patient is in labour
- Patient is experiencing a life altering or critical illness as identified by the clinical team
- Patient requires a support person due to underlying condition
This policy only applies to visitors. Anyone who requires care at OSMH, irrespective of vaccine status, will continue to have access to care.
Visitors are required to pass screening with each entry, wear a hospital-provided surgical mask and Visitor ID badge at all times, maintain physical distancing, restrict travel to designated areas only, and sign in and out of the hospital. Visiting hours remain 10:00 am to 8:00 pm unless otherwise directed, e.g. Obstetrics and Pediatrics; end-of-life or at discretion of the care team.
For more information on the visitor policy please visit www.osmh.on.ca/covid-19/.