Update to Our Community – Road to Recovery – June 10, 2022
Earlier this week, the Chief Medical Officer of Health provided an update on COVID precautions. This is a clear signal that we are on the road to recovery from this pandemic wave. I would like to take the opportunity to share how Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital (OSMH) is progressing in the COVID recovery efforts.
Hospitals across the Central Ontario Region including OSMH will be maintaining mask requirements for the foreseeable future for the ongoing safety of our staff and most vulnerable patients: Release – Masking Mandate to continue at OSMH.
Why continue with masks in hospitals? Although reduced, COVID-19 transmission is still happening and masks are a simple strategy that keeps people safe. In addition, masking will allow us to safely open up to more visitors. Plans are well underway to increase the number of visitors across the hospital without the need to pre-register in advance. We value the presence of caregivers within the hospital and look forward to seeing more family supports in our facility. More information will be made available next week.
Lifting precautions is only one part of COVID recovery. We continue to work through the tremendous backlog in surgeries and other procedures of well over 1,000 cases. This is taking longer than anyone would like.
Pandemic-related labour shortages are a reality across many industries and healthcare is no exception. OSMH continues to recruit individuals to join our amazing team but it takes time to train new staff, particularly in specialized areas like the Emergency Department or Operating Room. Our people remain our top priority so we can better serve our community.
For the patients who have been waiting patiently at home for their surgical procedure or in our Emergency Department for their care, our teams are doing their best to provide excellent, compassionate care. Your patience is appreciated.
That last part of COVID recovery is planning ahead. While there is reason for optimism as we go into the summer, we also know that the Fall will bring a new season of respiratory illness, including the possibility of more COVID-19.
Enough said about that. Its summer, isn’t it? Let’s all focus on re-opening sensibly as we continue to work through our current challenges, knowing we are planning ahead as One Community.
Carmine Stumpo, President & CEO
Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital